Call for papers
For the forthcoming conference, we invite submissions for presentations
under the following themes. Possible topics include, but are not
limited to:
- Deafhood/deafnicity (being deaf, deaf culture, the deaf experience,
deaf perspectives, deaf politics, deaf people from minority backgrounds
- living in three cultures simultaneously, deaf views of communication
support, building a global deaf community...)
- Future visions (new perspectives on deaf support, alternative
views, a cross-educational approach to support within a lifelong
learning agenda, practical issues to improve the future of deaf
- Supporting deaf people in specialist domains
- Open topic (papers in this theme will be selected on their merits
and interest to the field).
Due to the international nature of the conference, audiences will
come from different situations and professional backgrounds. We
strongly encourage proposals which bridge these cultural differences
and be understandable to delegates from any country. We welcome
presentations in alternative formats (video, PowerPoint, etc.) and
in sign language, provided these are made accessible through transcripts.
Please send your submission in the form of a proposed title, an
abstract (approx. 200 words) and a short biography to
- Proposal submission deadline: April 15th, 2006
- Notification of acceptance or rejection: April 20th, 2006
- Presentations due: October 13th, 2006
All accepted presenters will receive a free conference place and
a honorarium. CEUs are available for members of the RID from the
USA and Canada.